PWEETA: A Brief History
When St. Louis sausage-maker Thomas "Kent" Mahle founded PWEETA (People Who Enjoy Eating Tasty Animals) in 1959, he had no idea that the group would one day become a world-famous organization with hundreds of thousands of members and now a driving internet force. Hell, Kent wouldn't have even known what an "internet" was--he died in 1982 from a triple coronary. He'd have probably thought "internet" had something to do with volleyball!
Kent Mahle, founder, PWEETA (1935-1983) |
Kent enjoyed working with meat so much that he wanted to spread its gospel, particularly during the "granola and wheatgrass" scourge of hippie 1970s. He saw nothing finer than touching or ingesting carcass, and began preaching the word of PWEETA from the bloody stoop of his butcher shop. Soon, speaking engagements took him all around the greater St. Louis area. Kent was only too thrilled when his wife Norma began her line of Food Fashions (including the undergarment "Ground Briefs"), allowing Kent to swath his own flesh within a dead animal's, 24/7.
In final years (1980-1982), Kent became interested in spiritual matters, and began formulating a religion based on meat which he called "Sausageology." Unfortunately, his book, "Beefanetics" (1981), is no longer in print. In it, he proposed inner knowledge and self-improvement through the handling of animal by-products. The book was so successful throughout Eastern Europe, it is generally credited with the downfall of Communism.
S adly, Kent's death stymied the organization in the mid-1980s, but in the late 1990s it came back with a vengence. Kent's young disciples began popping up in urban metropolises across the country, and now, thanks to the worldwide web, his message can be read anywhere, at anytime. Grass roots organizers continue to hold demonstrations, as you can see in the video clip, and hope someday to open a national chain of "Mahle's Man Sausage" restaurants, featuring the incredible Triple Horsefurter.
Viva la meat!

Want to decorate your MySpace Page with pro-meat propaganda? Look no further!

FFAQ: Five Frequently Asked Questions Of PWEETA
Q: Isn't eating all that meat unhealthy?
A: No. There are over six billion people on the planet. 98% of them eat meat. Therefore, meat MUST be good for you.
Q: Do you people really eat dogs?
A: Yes. We believe a pet can make a great snack if you are hungry.
Q: Don't the "Ground Briefs" make your crotch sweaty?
 A: We prefer to think of that as "juicy." Seriously though, meat is a good insulator in the winter, and very breathable in the summer.
Q: On The Beatles' "White Album," are they really saying "Paul is Dead" backwards?
A: I believe you're thinking of "Abbey Road." Someone really asked us this.
Q: Will you kill people and eat them?
A: Absolutely not! We don't condone violence. If you're already dead, that's Ok. All Meat is Good Meat. |