It's jerks like you that give all Christians a bad name. By trying to push your strange ideas on others, you only serve to enrage and disgust them. I will be forwarding your ridiculous letter to a Star Wars mailing list I am a proud member of, and you can expect to receive MANY irate letters from other Star Wars fans!
BTW-the Star Wars pictures on your horrible homepage are COPYRIGHTED. If you don't understand what this means, and if Jesus is not available to explain it to you (he's busy, I know...), let me explain. Lucasfilm LTD. has ownership rights that prohibit you from DEFILING them, or in some cases, even SHOWING them at all on your page! Many fans show pictures, but because these are part of TRIBUTES, Lucasfilm takes no action. Because your page is such an INSULT, Lucasfilm could in fact take action against you! Be warned! Well, I just thought I'd let you know about the sin you are committing, and that you just might burn in hell for this. I've also informed Geocities of this problem. Have a nice day! ah272@lafn.org (Ben Arden)
I am a Christian and can't see the problem with Star Wars. Now, I don't have a problem with telling people about Jesus, but what you are doing is driving people away. You sound like a fanatic.
The use of the force for telekinetics is used by both sides of the Force. The Dark side uses it to attack and harm. The Light side uses it for knowledge and healing. The Bible says that "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." It doesn't say everything but telekinetics. Jesus walked on water and Moses split the Red Sea, which is much more dramatic then merely lifting objects with the Force.
Saying the name Luke is blasphemous is positively ridiculous. Simply because a disciple of Jesus was named Luke, doesn't make it a holy name. Lucas didn't name his characters Jesus and Lucifer either.
R2D2 is the silent god BAAL? You are simply looking for a story in the Bible that shows something bad. There are no similarities whatsoever! You'd be better off picking C-3PO because at least the Ewoks worshipped him. (I didn't mean to give you any ideas!)
If you are going to link Star Wars to the end of the world with this seventh seal nonsense, you are more fanatical then I give you credit for. First, there are no plans, I repeat no plans for part 7 of the trilogy to be released. I know you watched the fun yellow words at the beginning, have made yourself a Star Wars expert. My suggestion is that you get the facts straight. The new movie is a PREquil. That means it is part 1 not 7. Blows your whole 7th seal issue right out of the water.
So have a nice day and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! vader16@ix.netcom.com(Jim C)
I too was at Mann's Chinese theatre on Feb. 21, and did not see you there. And, strangely enough, I was there with the college fellowship group from my church.
But instead of telling people they are going to hell, we sat in line and talked with people--even sang a couple of praise and worship songs. You do more to ridicule Christianity than bring people to Christ. Jesus talked with sinners, he listened to sinners (Zaccheus) and never ridiculed them--the only people he ever ridiculed were the San Hedrin and those desecrating the temple.
Star Wars is a fairy tale, like Snow White, or The Chronicles of Narnia. That is what George Lucas said. He has no desire to make anyone a believer in the Force--he himself does not believe it (read the biography "Skywalking"--he even ridiculed Francis Ford Coppola for wanting to make a religion of it).
Find something better to do with your time, to truly further the kingdom of God. thrawn@ix.netcom.com (Jonathan A. Watson) http://www.arcpres.org
You're pathetic. And racist. George Lucas isn't Jewish and even if he was, Jews still believe in God, you moron. You're probably some Nazi militia member who lives in one of the Confederate states and has 40 kids. rizzo@nbnet.nb.ca |
As we put on our fanatical Christian costumes before heading to the theatre, we wondered aloud if we could really pull this off. When you do a prank, there's always a question of how far you can push it without being obvious and our act seemed so over-the-top that we were sure people would quickly realize it was a farce.
Getting out of the car by the curb, a trendy woman gave our conservo-geek garb such a stinging look of disgust, that it instantly cemented our believability factor. Matt and I WERE Mortimer and Luke Fontaine. We approached the world famous Mann's Chinese Theater, staked out our spot, held our signs up, and started handing out fliers.
Then, the madness began. Disdain. Anger. A few people even threatened us. At one point, we were sure this one guy, who was busy telling us how Jesus was a black man and we knew nothing, was going to launch a few well placed blows to our heads when we weren't looking.
Suddenly, what seemed like a harmless bit of fun actually revealed an ugly side to a movie we all know and love. We were right. People do take Star Wars too seriously. Which sadly means that our characters Luke and Mortimer were right. Not only was the public upset but they felt threatened and hurt and retaliated. The letters you read above are only slightly more vitriolic than the response we got in person at Mann's. The average Star Wars fanatic was genuinely threatened by two nuts on the sidewalk with signs...
... and hate mail is still pouring in which leads me to conclude that you'd better be careful what you believe in. If your ideas aren't approved by a large base of supporters and a multimillion dollar merchandising effort, keep it to yourself. Either that or be ridiculed, harassed, and probably beaten and put up on a cross somewhere.
I'm glad I live in a world where science fiction and fantasy can inspire such contempt and hatred.
M.J. still sleeps with his 8" Princess Leia doll |
"A Way to The Force" Yoda himself presents a step-by-step guide on attuning yourself to the Force. Apparently you have to eat a lot of bean sprouts and yogurt. |