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01/17/2007: ""
Now... i know you think Star Wars is evil... and how some people take this stuff to far... but why only star wars? why not star trek? i see ppl dress up and march around. Lord of the rings? thats fictional...people take that pretty far too. Just because people enjoy the movie doesnt mean its an attack on YOUR religion. Now... I am Catholic...hardly anymore after taking a History course...and i like starwars... and id rather be know for a star wars geek than a man of religion if it means im going to be crammed in there with you assholes... seriously...seriously!...star wars? common guys. demons flying around and shit? i know Darth Maul may look a little weird but i can tell you guys arnt to culturally diverse... are black people demons also just cause they have different skin? people have their own choices to make but heres a different look at the movie that may make you think more..
Darth Sidious (the devil) sends his evil army (trade federation) to the peaceful people of Naboo to "blockade them" while he sends his "demon lord" Darth Maul to hunt down two jedi knights (angels). shit hits the fan and they discover...Anakin Skywalker. think of the force as a "higher power", and a tool to be used against the forces of evil....however the "dark lord" has his own force (dark side) to fight the light...kinda your satan vs god thing...
As Anakin grows up he gets seduced by the dark side by nailing his girl friend before they are married (isnt that a sin or something...doesnt matter! you test drive the car before you buy it) Anakin ends up joining Sidious who corrupts the galactic senate to become an Empire (oh no it looks like satans won). Anakin gets fucked up and is put in the Vader suit.
however thourgh his "sin", Vader fathered children, who grow up and are weened on the light side of the force and battle their own father for peace insted of hatred and corruption. Luke (Vaders son) learns to use the force (learns to use his faith to ward off satan) and goes off to fight Sidious and his father... when tempted to kill his father he throws down his weapon in defiance to Sidious' wishes and is then attacked by the dark lord... Vader, unable to witness his sons murder turns to his master and throws him off the balcony... saving his son... in the end we see members of the old jedi council... and Anakin... as blue ghosts (in heaven or whatever). good has triumphed through the hands of man/rodian/trandoshan/ etc, etc etc.... how is this bad? when people say they are jedi, doesnt this mean they are servants of the light? look for good and to help people? ISNT THAT WHAT CHRISTIANS DO? so what they may not believe in a bearded person floating in the clouds (which has as much evidence of being REAL as star wars does) but this force is the SAME FUCKING THING.
you are NOT going to hell for liking Star Wars. You will go to hell if you try to use your faith like your a fucking cop like these assholes are doing. "oh i believe in Jesus so im better than all you unless you join us". Boy you guys sound like fucking Sith. See the movies for what it is... ENTERTAINMENT. see religion for what it is.... A PERSONAL CHOICE. if people are entertained enough to say they are "jedi", who cares... its their personal choice. you, on the other hand, have no place to tell people what they can or cant do and flash Hell as some kind of "oh you'll be sorry" variable. Why the fuck is there a hell? $50 says Hitlers in heaven cause he said he was sorry. cause thats all it takes, right? there are millions of brilliant, muslims, buddists, etc etc and im sure they will be VIP in whatever kind of afterlife there may be...where as you guys with be like D listed for your ignorance.
But ive rabbit trailed.... Star wars is your basic evil vs good...where good triumphs... how is that a bad thing and who are you to criticise them for loving the film. many films are based out of star wars, as well as punchlines and all that jazz. The parade with the 501st marching in it was just a symbol of how much people liked the film and i feel sorry for the guys who hold up signs that means they clearly didnt enjoy what they were watching cause they were reading the bible. If the movie doesnt tickle your fancy thats fine... if you dont like what others are doing...thats fine. whats not fine, is parading around with your signs saying people are wrong and you are right... Christian superiority is all the same (hence me hating it). you all read the damn book too closley that its clouded your judgement. use the force my friends! feel the force flow through you! feel the force surround you and bind you. does this not seem like something biblical? SOMETHING FILLING US AND MAKING US CLOSER TO EVERYTHING. its called humanity and the only thing that tears it apart is RELIGION.
i deny the holy spirit, i deny christ, i deny God.... and ill see you in Hell
May the force be with you....always