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09/18/2006: "IAMGOD"
Your going to hell for being gay and worshiping HeyZues haha
I don't believe in heaven or hell... I do believe in spirits though. We are all beings and while you fools sit around and worship someone who never exsisted I'll be busy transcending to a higher plane where I will destroy your God
FUCK Jesus fuck you fuck god... If you god is so great may he strike me dead before I hit submit on this forum.
Oh look still alive... your god is a pussy and once I take his place the old testament is gonna seem like candy land.
You fucks just want to sell your gay ass t-shirts to make money... thats all religion is... making money.
Stick them t-shirts up your ass and rot in the ground because thats where you go when you die... not because there isn't a heaven or hell like I believe... but because I consum your soul!
I may raise your corpse from the dead just so you can be my jester and make me laugh. Time to hit submit and prove what a weakling your god is.
May the force be with you.