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04/08/2006: "Interesting Site you have there"
Dear webmasters,
The logic you show is rather flawed, i would be putting this in the forms, [instructions are very clear above, but we did it for you.] but i do not have a log in or password. While you are free to make any opinions you wish and try to support them, i will do my best to show you the flaws in your thinking. You argue that the Force is the power of Satan and his minions. The force is neutral, because you can not have anything that is good with out something that is equally bad. The original three films, episodes 4 though 6, show that the evil, because there is a power vacuum, evil is ruling like when Israel was ruled by corrupt kings. The rebels are like the disciples, fighting the evil majority, though the methods are different, the basis for them is the same. Luke you say is hell spawn using the same logic you can claim Dick Cheney is from Hell too, personally i would believe this more. Luke is like Jesus, they both use their powers to heal and protect. Jesus and Luke are both instruments of good. Luke is not a hell spawn nor is Yoda or Obiwan, they are both prophets of good. Yoda and Obiwan have abilties similar to the prophets. They dont want evil to suceede anymore than it had, that is why they put their faith in luke, like man kind is putting faith in jesus to come back and rid the world of evil. Now you claim the attack on the death star repreasents sperm inpregnating an egg not an ovary, a most interesting veiw, similar to when people claimed the teletubies represented sex, when more likely they merely were trying to expose kids to different shapes. That claim is baseless, and is just a point of view. Now you claim Princess Leia is a sult, then i claim every girl and women in the whole world, are sluts and whores. Because they have allowed themselves to be tricked into wearing extremely revealing clothes, girls young as 13 are wearing thongs and g-strings, and women as old as 50 parade around in clothes of a 20 yearold. Princess Leia isnt a slut, she was forced into those clothes by Jabba who represents the pigs of the male gene pool. She isnt a slut for wearing those clothes if she went around making love and hitting on everything that moved then she would be a slut. but she becuase she isnt a slut she doesnt do that. You claim R2-D2 is a demon god, has it gotten so bad that you are now accusing basically a garbage can with wheels as a demon? Now you also claim C3-PO as gay, well hate to break it to you, he cant be gay or striaght, snice droids have no emotions, now the reason you claim this is problably becuase of the way he walks and talks, well as for the way he walk, he was programed and built by a 9 year old, and for the way he talks who the hell wants a rude robot? Vader represented the Anti-christ who with the help of Satan(the emperor), had taken over the galaxy, and Luke with only a small group of people over came the the Empire and destoried it.
On to the episodes 1-3, Anikin's mother didnt know who the father was, and she never claimed that she was a virgin. In episodes one two and three it is very similar to the revealations, a great evil is approching, and a leader rises and claims he will stop it, and bring peace, but instead brings the evil force to power, at the same time good is fighting back and loses, and has to wait to fight and win another day.
Now as a last note, using your deranged logic, you can claim the Teletubbies are the Four Horseman of the Apocolyse, Martha Steward is the Anti-Chirst and pokemon are the demon armies of hell . Please respond if you would like to talk about this further, i would also like to see this in the forms, so that i may see others opinions on my opinion.
Derangedly yours,