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09/11/2005: "Tools..."
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you for real? This has to be some kind of joke? I thought I would see a bigger bunch of geeks than StarWars geeks, but today I have been proven wrong, terribly wrong!! If you guys actually think that StarWars is a tool of Satan, I think you need to re-evaluate your life. ITS A FRIKIN MOVIE!!! I dont hear people claming "The Matrix is the workbench of Satan" You guys are either faking this or were dropped on the head at your local church and brain washed by your pastor who was rejected for a role in a movie. Man, I just never thought I would see the day when a bunch of people holding shabby signs would be protesting the greatest movies of all time. There is nothing in these movies even close to "Satan". I admit that they do have a certain ring as to modern problems...but not the "TOOL" of the devil. You guys are "tools" tools of fools.
God help you all.