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08/11/2005: "Ok- I get it."
You are crazy people and the web has enabled you to speak like you are a whole organization of idiots. And when people write you hate mail then you think, wow, I must be on to something.
Well, you are.
One day, people will realize the best way to treat people who think like they are crazy is to ignore them. Then, if they get power or something, then turn on them. Don't publicize people who are nuts, since it will attact other nuts.
Nuts to you all.
Now, I am going to buy one of those R2-DEMON2 Shirts so I can show people how clever I am.
Replies: 12 Comments
on Wednesday, November 30th, Alex said
HAHAHAHAHAHh You guys are so stupid, yet you can be Funny. MOST STAR WARS FANS ARE CHRISTAINS , but you people don't see if they like it does not mean they worship it. You guys must be sith lords trying to destory the jedi with you "Stupid side of the force" You are ones being evil why shouting agaist people who have fun or belive in different religions .Dumbasses like you it what made leave the christain faith so if you guys read this. I hope you realize I not a star wars fanatic ,but Fan. NO one Belives in the force okay nobody. I don't know why you'd think that ,but please I think they sell "a life" accross the street you buy them it would be great for all you religous fundaMENTAList. Seriously nobody goes to hell for not beliving in christ and I assure you no Meaning of Love would be so cruel.
I belive in Love, happieness welcoming different ideas, and the main Idea of the christain faith.
on Monday, November 21st, Jenkins said
I'm pretty sure this is just a joke.
I love Star Wars. I watch it "religiously." But I was also very amused by this.
on Wednesday, November 16th, Satan said
You all are sucking assholes which believe that god the good guy is, but you guys doesn't know the truth!
on Wednesday, November 16th, GOD said
on Wednesday, November 16th, Jesus is a Motherfucker said
yes, Jesus is a fucking Ass. His Father (the one you are calling "God"
is a fucking old man, who fucked his mother. Jesus is an incest child. 
on Tuesday, November 15th, Luke Fucking Skywalker Bitch said
holy crap. wow i was just surfing the internet and i came upn this site. when i saw it i just started laughing hystericaly. this has got to be the stupidist site ive ever seen. wow thats about all i can say. this cant be real ive concluded that this is really too stupid to be real. i cant belive that a real person would make this site. wow
on Tuesday, November 15th, jjkjjk said
You are disgruntled trekies. I mean star trek is more blasmphamus then star wars. Spock returns from the dead. V.S. Yoda just visiting as an image.
Enities with Godlike power V.S. jedi's with the power of the prophets. Anyhow the force is a metaphor for god. GOD AND THE FORCE ARE ONE YOU FREAKEN IDOTS.
on Sunday, October 30th, Obi_Wan said
Ok, first of all, Episode Three isn't the last episode- episode SIX is. You know, three more than three? You know, three episodes showing good triumph over evil? Showing Darth Vader admit that the Dark Side is wrong? Showing him fail time and time again? Yeah, those episodes. So if you really want to pass this off as fact, get your story stright. I am a Christian, and I am outright offended by this. My children love Star Wars, and love Jesus. You should be ashamed of yourselves, passing this as true. Count your blessings that YOU do not go to hell to be punished for lying. Only an evil mind could try and ruin such an innocent story. Shame on all of you. SHAME!
on Wednesday, October 26th, luke said
u crazy bible bashin fukwits. u lot shud be fukin shot
on Thursday, September 15th, Farting is Fun said
I hate homos
on Saturday, August 27th, C3PO said
I don't get the R2D2 thing. I mean, Darth Maul's looks are largely based on the Christian image of Satan and they think R2D2 is the evil one?
But talking bout evil - I have an idea that Lucas pictures might get very evil when they find out someone is making money with this shirt ... I might just drop them a line by accident ... hehe ...
on Tuesday, August 16th, Lol said