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07/28/2005: "Are you for real?"
mood: Confused.
So you people have done no research into the films at all then? You can't spell the charactor's names correctly and don't seem to know what the story is about, or even which order the films come in.
I'll try and keep it simple for you: The last film to be made, the one that's showing now, is the MIDDLE of the big story, it's called Episode III for a reason and there are six episodes all together.
The WHOLE story is about one man's fall from grace into the temptations of evil and his eventual final redemption when he 'sees the light', restoring peace and harmony once again to the galaxy.
Follow your religion if you must, but please stop inventing brainless tosh like this. All stuff like this does is annoy 'normal' people and make you all look like a bunch of brainwashed cretins.