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06/02/2005: "Star Wars = Tell of Good Triumphant Over Evil"
This toolofsatan website -
The force is an obvious reference to God - "binds the galaxy together" "luminous beings are we, not this crude matter".
The bible is a parable - stories to explain spirtual truths and the spiritual world. Star Wars is the same in this regard.
Anakin becomes Vader, and Vader is redeemed back to Anakin by his son. Good will win in the end. This is the story of Star Wars. This is the story of the Bible.
There are far worse things in this world - rape, murder, starvation, oppression, poverty, fascism - these are the issues that need to be addressed.
And these are the very things your website completely overlooks. "Jesus" merchandise and discrediting someone's work of art are the completely wrong direction to pursue.
So it ends that you are a hypocrite, and just as guilty as the rest of us.