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06/01/2005: "Hate Mail"
Good day to you sirs, i just wanted to tell you, that
you are a bunch of f*g idiots!Star Wars is a damn
movie! i am very Christian and even i understand that
Star Wars is a fucking movie, and what are you trying
to say, that when the seventh Star Wars sequel is
released, God will beangry and cast an apocalupse on
us? how stupid is that! And you guys are fucking
confusing me, i mean the force is satan but jesus is
the force?! wouldnt that mean that Jesus is Satan or
that Satan is Jesus? And i dont think that any of you
have ever seen the original star wars because if you
had, you would know that good triumphs over evil and
that Darth Vader (anakin skywalker) redeems himself by
killing the evil one and saving his son in the same
act sacrificing himself so that his son could live.
And isnt that the basis of our religion, that God
forgives us, in the actual finale movie which is
actually the sixth, darth vader redeems himself and
corrects his past mistakes, therefore in the afterlife
God would forgive him for his sins. And Jesus was
Jewish i dont see why Geoerge Lucas is an evil Jew
when they share the same religions. You people just
don't have anything better to do than to relate the
things that people appreciate culturally to satan. i
mean face it, christians were never angels to ebgin
with, i mean they were after all responsible for the
haulacaust werent they, the slaughtering of many many
jews. and now theyve been redeemed by God like nothing
happened. you are all a bunch of idiots, get a life.
and in those t-shirts of jesus you use a rainbow, dont
you know that rainbows are the symbol that gays and
lesbians use, if youre so against a movie, id like to
see how against gays and lesbians you guys are,
because youre sporting gays with those rainbow
Angry and insulted Christian Star Wars Fan
Please, write back to me i would like to know your
Chickens and cows rock!
Sergio Toranzo